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3 GAL Resin kit for Garage Floor Coating - 100% Epoxy CHEM 100 FAST CURE

3 GAL Resin kit for Garage Floor Coating - 100% Epoxy CHEM 100 FAST CURE

Fast cure base epoxy. Exhibits high mechanical strength and good resistance to UV irradiation and unmatched clarity.

Packaging 3 GAL, 15 GAL, 150 GAL, 750 GAL
Color Part A Part B Part C
Upon Request Clear to Amber Upon Request
Recommended Thickness Primer Finish Coat
6-8 mils 8-12mils
Mileage per gallon (8 mils thickness) 200 ft2
Shelf Life 12 months in original unopened factory sealed containers.
Keep away from extreme cold, heat or moisture.
Keep out of direct sunlight and away from fire hazards
Mix Ratio, by volume A: B-2:1
Solids 100%
Pot Life (454 g) 10-15 minutes
Working Time 15 minutes
Pedestrian 4-6 hours
Traffic 24 hours

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Call for Pricing (833) 399-0140

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